What are your needs and concerns?

More freedom - less worry - lifetime income - Long Term Care - Leaving a Legacy?

You've done a lot right in your financial life. However, your finances have become more complicated over the years and you are no longer willing to take risks with your finances and are looking to make the most of your time and effort.  You want to concentrate on relaxing and enjoying daily life with family and friends, while traveling, golfing, fishing or your other favorite activities; completely confident that you have made the best preparation for your remaining years. You are looking for someone you can trust to evaluate your current situation, provide unbiased advice, and help you achieve your vision of a financially secure retirement with adequate income you cannot outlive.  Well, you've come to the right place.  A thorough retirement plan starts with evaluating and then providing for your income requirements after your working days are over. There are many questions which should be addressed prior to or early in retirement. We have proprietary software, designed specifically to evaluate potential changes to retirement income, and options to anticipate and provide for whatever contingencies may arise.

  • Will you have enough income to meet your needs and provide for the lifestyle you want in retirement?  Not only do your income needs change as you age, but your available income will change as your situation changes.
  • Most people rely on social security for a portion of their retirement income, but what happens when one spouse dies and the other is left with a reduced social security income?  Will the remaining income still be sufficient to meet your needs?
  • The same is true of pensions.  When the pensioner dies will the remaining spouse continue to receive benefits?  Will those benefits be reduced or eliminated altogether?
  • What happens  when one or both spouses need nursing home or home health care services, will the income be sufficient to meet those needs?
  • Inflation is a reality that must be considered.  Do your financial plans prepare your finances for the ravages of inflation on your buying power?

I am eager to work with YOU:

if serious

about eliminating risk to your financial resources and to seek solutions for your retirement needs for security, lifetime income and long term care, if necessary.

if seeking specialized help

in making informed financial decisions and in taking appropriate action to achieve retirement security eliminating market risk to core assets and are wanting to work in partnership with an income specialist toward the pursuit of your financial goals.

if willing to communicate honestly and completely

about your questions and concerns. In order to be of maximum benefit to you, we must be able to accurately identify those problems and work together to find the best solutions. We have an established procedure, developed over many years, to systematically analyze your current situation, project future changes and plan for future contingencies.

Set Initial Appointment

During this initial appointment we will review your needs, gather information, and determine if we can be of any help.
Simply click on the following link to set an appointment.

Getting Ready to Retire

Transitioning to retirement is a timeline that is unique to each person.

Within 5 to 10 years of this goal, or even earlier, this time represents the final 100 pay checks or so you may earn. It is time to streamline your personal financial plan and implement a plan to make the most of your last few working years prior to retirement. Your working income may stop, but with a solid financial plan, the fun is just beginning.  It's time to eliminate risk, eliminate debt, eliminate uncertainty, establish an emergency fund, and create a secure retirement with adequate lifetime income.  We specialize in maximizing the growth of your assets, without risk to principal, and securing the maximum income for you from those assets when you need to turn on the income stream.

To get started, simply schedule at 30 minute phone call with me, so that we can get to know each other and understand and agree on your goals and priorities.  Click this link to Schedule that phone call now!

Enjoying Retirement

We are still with you as a trusted partner and financial steward.

Our management strategies ensure that you continue to enjoy the lifestyle you worked for with a few "extras" along the way. It's during this time that many people start to do some estate planning. Consulting with us in cooperation with your attorney or CPA may seem a little grim, but it brings a wonderful peace of mind to know that everything you've worked for in your life is going to the people you love.

Do you like to do your own research?  Click here to access comparative information on available annuities.

Have No Retirement Plan

Over 67% of those surveyed had not made a specific retirement plan towards which they were working. They were relying on social security even though they realized that Social Security alone would not meet their retirement needs.

Had Zero Savings

86% of those surveyed had no medium to long term saving strategy. Many had less than $1000 dollars.